An Easy Way to Save Your Projector Bulb

It is important to remember to turn your projector off when it is not in use. However, when you are looking to have the projector turn on quickly and don’t want to wait for it to warm up, there is an option! Simply press the A/V Mute button on the remote. The bulb and sound are turned off but will turn on quickly without any waiting!

Epson Remote

Osmo for iPad

osmo Are you looking for a way for students to interact with the iPad? Osmo does just that. Osmo is a gaming system that supports learning in social emotion skills, creative thinking, art, STEM, and common core. There are five apps to use with the base station: Numbers, Words, Newton, Tangram, and Masterpiece. Students can work in pairs, small groups or alone.

Tangram – spatial relational skills.
Words – spelling and critical thinking skills.
Newton – creative problem solving skills.
Masterpiece – drawing and creative confidence.
Numbers – counting, addition and multiplication.

Check out the video below.