Do You Like Sitting On The Bench? HAVE YOU EVER SAT ON THE BENCH FOR THE WHOLE GAME? WELL, JIMMY GAROPPOLO KNOWS HOW YOU FEEL. By: Lilly O’Driscoll Do like sitting on the bench for the whole game? Take this for an example, you got a C- of your math test and you can’t play […]
This interview with Principal Gavron was conducted by Alexis George Q: What was your first reaction when you were told that Mr. Kavaleski was retiring? A: I knew that his plan was only to stay for a year when I became vice principal. But he ended up staying for two, which helped me because this […]
By Isaac Hanna 6th graders are the newest faces in the hallways. We surveyed them this past month and 135 6th grade students responded. Each questions relate to their first two months of middle school. The first question asked on this survey was the main difference between middle school and elementary school. 70% of people […]