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Reflections on 7th Grade Cape Cod Trip by Kally Proctor
Navy blue waves climb up the shoreline, smooth and piercing cold, while white, bubbly foam surfaces from the crashing waves. Chaotic, frothy water swirls about rocks jutting up like daggers. Chocolate colored snails cling to these rocks with their sticky undersides, as dark speckled crabs leap between them. Black & white gulls swoop and dive […]
Timeless Chapter 11 by Sritha Vemuri
I walk around my new room. Though it is amazing and exceeds all my expectations of a place I call home, I am speechless. Not in a good way though. How could they know about all of this? I think. I know they are from the future and have all this new and improved technology […]
Ten Cool Facts About Snakes
By Julia Reck 1. Pythons can grow up to 30 feet in length, and weigh around 200 pounds! 2. There are almost 2,600 snake breeds in the world, and only 400 are poisonous. 3. Ireland has no snakes there at all in the wild. 4. Snakes are temporarily blinded when they are ready to shed […]