Are the late nights worth it?
It is a typical day for Madi Crozier, a 6th grade student at Wayland Middle School. As soon as school is over, she heads straight to dance for 4 hours of classes. After, she rides home, quickly eats dinner, takes a shower, then does her homework until 9:45. Then she finally goes to bed, around 10:00.
Grades and homework
Madi has about 45min-1h everyday to do her homework every night. She usually finishes everything, but sometimes, she has homework she doesn’t get to finish. “Her grades have dropped slightly since she’s started dance,” her mom Beth Crozier says.
Fractures, sprains, and bruises
Dancing may be a fun sport, but there are also dangers involved. There are many injures dancing may cause. There is a dancer’s fracture, which is caused by landing from a leap on an inverted foot. There is also jumper’s knee, which is caused by jumping too much.
New Friends!
Madi has made a large amount of new friends, thanks to dance class! Some of her new friends are Kayla, Brianna, Olivia, Makayla, and Melissa. She also made new friends when she switched studios. At her new studio she met Krista, Kamyla, Sarah, Victoria, Jordan, and Emily.
Is it worth it?
In the end, you ask yourself one question, is dance worth it? Are the late nights, and the risk of injuries worth it? There may be some ups, and downs, but the answer is that it is definitely worth it!