by Amanda W, Jinyi L, and Eliana H. Utaite is the Japanese term for Japanese singers who post covers, as well as their own songs on sites like Nico Nico Douga and YouTube. Some of our favorite Utaite include; まふまふ(mafumafu),天月(amatsuki), Sou,うらたぬき(uratanuki),隣の坂田(tonari no sakata),そらる(soraru). Nqrse, and しま (Shima). If you have any questions that you would […]
Author: Dylan Merry
Community Service Club
BY AMIRLAN J. The Community Service Club has started this month, and is looking for members to help with its many contributions to the WMS community. So, today I’ll be (trying) to persuade you to take a look into this club and (hopefully) join it! Let’s start with a few commonly asked questions, shall we? […]
7th Grade Trips Review
By: Arianna Desai This article will be covering the field trips that the 7th grade took this year. The first day was Waterworks, followed by Kayaking and Blue Hills, finally Cape Cod. All trips were important and informative for the students. Day 1 was the Waterworks Museum. This trip was not my favorite, mostly because […]
About Orange and Black News
By: Becky Berhe and Arianna Desai Did you know there is only a small group of people that take part in the Orange and Black News? This allows you to really work one on one with different teachers to expand your writing knowledge. Orange and Black News will allow you to expand on your opinions […]
End of the 2024 Basketball Season
By Will Collett and Nicky Kilmon The Basketball teams here at the middle school each had a very successful season. Will Collett and Nicky Kilmon interviewed Mr. Glavin and Mr. Rivera, looking back on this season. Mr. Glavin and Mr. Rivera are the coaches of the teams. Mr. Rivera coaches the boys team, and Mr. […]
Wayside Gift Drive – Follow Up
By Brady Winkler A little while back, I published an article on the Wayside Gift Drive. After the gift drive ended, the community service club was invited to wrap gifts for the tweens and teens living in residency at Wayside Youth & Family Services Network. I attended the gift wrapping and it was a great, […]
The Importance of Learning the T
By Brady Winkler Imagine that you are at the Prudential in Boston. Now, imagine you are trying to get to Fenway Park. The quickest way is to take an MBTA E train to Arlington, then change to the D branch and get off at Kenmore or Fenway. To me, this seems like something that everyone […]
SpongeBob Musical
by Shree and Laura Who: The WHS Ensemble What: A magnificent play on SpongeBob and the citizens of bikini bottom. Where: At Wayland High school auditorium When: Nov, 16 – 18 In mid November many people went to watch a musical about Spongebob and his peers. This magnificent play was put on by WHSTE (the Wayland […]