Short Reads


by Amanda W, Jinyi L, and Eliana H. Utaite is the Japanese term for Japanese singers who post covers, as well as their own songs on sites like Nico Nico Douga and YouTube. Some of our favorite Utaite include; まふまふ(mafumafu),天月(amatsuki), Sou,うらたぬき(uratanuki),隣の坂田(tonari no sakata),そらる(soraru). Nqrse,  and しま (Shima). If you have any questions that you would […]

Articles Short Reads

7th Grade Trips Review

By: Arianna Desai This article will be covering the field trips that the 7th grade took this year. The first day was Waterworks, followed by Kayaking and Blue Hills, finally Cape Cod. All trips were important and informative for the students.  Day 1 was the Waterworks Museum. This trip was not my favorite, mostly because […]