I walked down the pitch black road. The only light was that of the moon that made it into the narrow street. I looked up at the tall buildings to my left and right. There red light of the security cameras followed me as I walked briskly. The camera eyed me suspiciously. Just keep walking […]
Control– the power to influence or direct behavior. As a human race, we often strive for control, whether it’s at work, school, or most importantly, driving. Control gives us a sense of safety and comfort knowing that we are in charge. But what happens when we give up control to computers and unreliable software? We […]
Mr. Rich Hits It Big! Mr. Rich, the study teacher for most 6th graders, has a hobby. Ever since 6th graders have discovered him, he has blown up with likes, views, and subscribers on social media. What is next for him? A Singing Study Teacher? Ever since students have discovered that Mr. Rich, a study […]