A DID YOU KNOW? SPECIAL: May Holidays! All the May holidays you didn’t know about!!! By Olivia Green and Willa Suratt Join Hands Day National Chocolate Parfait Day National Fitness Day International Harry Potter Day National Brothers and Sisters Day National Teacher Day National Orange Juice Day National Astronaut Day National Cartoonists Day National Totally […]
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A Puzzle by Kyle Davidson
Pencils Over Pens by Frankie Zilembo
A True Letter From the Big Bad Wolf Uncovered by Rhea Sethi
A True Letter From The Big Bad Wolf Uncovered By Rhea Sethi Dear whoever is reading this, Yup. It’s me, the Big Bad Wolf. I know what you’re all thinking, “oh no! It’s the Big Bad Wolf!” In my defense, you don’t know the whole story. Sure, I blew down two of the Three Little […]
A Snobby Survey by Isaac Hanna
How do you feel about Massachusetts being the snobbiest state in the USA? Rhea Sethi, Grade 6: “I feel proud about it. Out of all the other states, MA is the best! We literally have EVERYTHING! We have the education, the cities, the beaches, the food; literally the best of anything!!” Audrey Rafterly, Grade 6: […]
“Who Is That Pixel Art Of?” A Survey by Kyle Davidson
USA’S Snobbiest States by Isaac Hanna
“WHAT A SNOB!” Have you ever heard someone say that to you? Maybe it’s the way they hold their glass of wine, instructing you on how to properly appreciate the aroma. Top 10 snobbiest states: Massachusetts – good or bad? Vermont Connecticut New York New Hampshire Rhode Island California Oregon Maine Virginia It looks like […]