Summer by Ms. Mills Summer. Just the word evokes images of pools, beaches, books, vacations, sun, and the great outdoors. Everyone looks forward to summer for different reasons. Some are ready to sleep in, while others are ready to watch YouTube videos or stream their favorite shows. Whatever your plan, summer is a break […]
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Sixth Mass Extinction by Isabelle Rideout
A 6th Mass Extinction Isn’t on the Horizon. It’s Here. Last Saturday, my dad was reading from Science, one of the world’s top academic journals, when he stumbled on an article claiming that it was “widely accepted that we are in the midst of a sixth mass extinction.” Now this was news to him, […]
Reflections on 7th Grade Cape Cod Trip by Kally Proctor
Navy blue waves climb up the shoreline, smooth and piercing cold, while white, bubbly foam surfaces from the crashing waves. Chaotic, frothy water swirls about rocks jutting up like daggers. Chocolate colored snails cling to these rocks with their sticky undersides, as dark speckled crabs leap between them. Black & white gulls swoop and dive […]
The Little Prince: Book & Movie Review by Isabelle Rideout
The Little Prince: Book and Movie Review by Isabelle Rideout Friday evening, while many students went to see Endgame, I saw a very different movie: The Little Prince (2015) on Netflix. This was a follow up to my family’s reading of the classic novel of the same name by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry over break. […]
People Opposed to GMOs Know the Least About Science by Isabelle Rideout
People Opposed to GMOs Know the Least About Science by Isabelle Rideout Back in January, a peer-reviewed study published in Nature, an extremely high profile scientific journal, proclaimed that people opposed to GMOs know the least about science – but think they know the most. While this is nearly a month old, I thought […]
Peaceful Protesters Disturb the Peace by Kally Proctor
Come on! Hurry up! How long is this gonna take? This past week, I went to London for spring break. During my stay, many unanticipated interruptions popped up while I was traveling around London, like the one shown above. These disruptions often resulted in blockages for hours, throwing off many tourist’s, and Londoner’s, busy […]
Questionably Musical by Kally Proctor
Twang…bong…plink…screech… Whether it’s classical, rock, jazz, or pop, most of us probably enjoy listening to some kind of music. But for the majority of us, there will always be that one genre of music that we just don’t “get”. Recently, I participated as a solo pianist in a recital at the 41st Seminar […]
A Titanic Anniversary Amid Hope for the Future
One-hundred-seven years ago this April 15th, the RMS Titanic sank to the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean after striking an iceberg. Over fifteen hundred people lost their lives that evening. While life has changed dramatically since 1912, I believe there are still important lessons to be learned from this terrible tragedy, one that shook […]
Selected Haikus
Haikus are super coolish School is super doomish The car goes vroomish -Anna Varney How much can I fit into a haiku format oh no I’m out of -Ella Moscoffian and Katelyn Chirayanth Why do we do math Math teachers feel my wrath I really hate math -Felix Kissell North Carolina South […]