Justin Bieber’s Never Say Never Review By Alexis George This movie was one of the most amazing movies I have ever seen. Most people will walk into the theater with a negative attitude and walk out loving Justin, (me). Some people I know (they know who they are) have fallen on the floor in […]
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Is Sitting More Dangerous Than it Seems??
By Alexis George You’re sitting on your couch, your dad is at work sitting at his desk all day. Your mom is sitting on the computer and your older sister is sitting down, talking on the phone. Spot a trend? Sitting has become a second nature. But the truth of the matter is if you […]
But I Don’t Want to Gain Weight!!
Could having your tonsils removed lead to weight gain?? That’s what recent studies have been looking into. Having your tonsils removed is a regular thing in the U.S. but studies have found that after having the surgery you most likely will gain weight in the following years. Don’t be afraid though, they don’t know if […]
Crab Cakes and Calamari
By Abby McCarthy `THE WAYSIDE INN Want something creamy and wholesome, with a flavorful, rich sauce? If you answered yes to that question, then the Wayside Inn is the perfect place for you. The Wayside Inn is a restaurant dating back to 1716, with the original colonial atmosphere, along with great service, and even better […]
Whoa! What’s Turducken?
By Alexis George Turducken Are you having turducken for dinner this holiday season? Well if you have no idea what turducken is let me explain to you now. Turducken is a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey. Get the picture? I polled some 6th grade students to see what their opinions on turducken were. […]
How Annoying Are These Calls?
By Alexis George You just finish texting your best friend when you realize that you have a voicemail. As you start to listen an unfamiliar voice comes on, “Hi this is Jessica from Network health you should have received your package in the mail to subscribe to network health with your information. Please call this […]
An Interview with Ms. Gavron
This interview with Principal Gavron was conducted by Alexis George Q: What was your first reaction when you were told that Mr. Kavaleski was retiring? A: I knew that his plan was only to stay for a year when I became vice principal. But he ended up staying for two, which helped me because this […]
Idol Idol Idol
American Idol Review 2011 By Madeline Moran Finally the new season of American Idol is here and I predict it will be one of the best years yet! Last season the show was so sketchy that it was hard to watch without changing the channel in the first 5 minutes. This year the judges gives […]
Ten Cool Facts About Snakes
By Julia Reck 1. Pythons can grow up to 30 feet in length, and weigh around 200 pounds! 2. There are almost 2,600 snake breeds in the world, and only 400 are poisonous. 3. Ireland has no snakes there at all in the wild. 4. Snakes are temporarily blinded when they are ready to shed […]
What’s Hot and What’s Not!
Top 10 of the Month And bottom 10… November 2010 We have a LOT of things to look forward to this month. New TV shows, movies, and books that we’ve all been waiting for. And then there are the things to forget about. Some of these things include. Books Diary of a Wimpy Kid #5: […]