All Posts Poems

I Am From

By Ariana Price I am from a petite town filled with luscious forests and friends who reside closeby. A town called Wayland. I am from the school bell’s calm hum that immediately starts chaos, and the “click” sound of students typing thoughtful poems in English. I am from bikes around my neighborhood  listening to other […]

All Posts Poems


By: Ariana I would play Hatikvah loud on my violin So that the melody sinks in Blast it out to everyone I would be a beacon of light, like the sun I play it especially for those who think That we’re not native to Israel, or that we’re fake That we don’t belong here or […]

All Posts Poems


By Frankie Zilembo RED Red is the blood from the Stonewall riots Glass bottles and dreams of freedom fly in the air  Those riots are the spark that started what we have today The drag queens, queers and people with mismached genders are not in the wrong   It is the people with strong hate that […]