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I’m A Belieber

Justin Bieber’s Never Say Never Review

By Alexis George


This movie was one of the most amazing movies I have ever seen. Most people will walk into the theater with a negative attitude and walk out loving Justin, (me).

Some people I know (they know who they are) have fallen on the floor in the movie theater crying because of their new found love of Justin Bieber (no joke I was there). At the moment, I am a total belieber not just because of his amazing music but by seeing this movie.

Once you learn about a person you won’t judge them as harshly and will have at least a little respect for them. This documentary had some home videos of Justin and him on tour. I highly recommend it even if you don’t like him you will most likely change your mind. If you think are too cool to see this movie then that’s your loss. He is truly inspirational.

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