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Interview with Ms. Snow by Hayoung Lee

Q: Why are you interested to be a teacher?

A: I really enjoy working with students of all ages and watching them learn and grow!

Q: What kind of subject and grade do you want to teach and why?

A: I would love to teach any grade between first and sixth because they are taught so many interesting topics during these years.

Q: Who or what influenced you to become a teacher?

A: Since I went to the Wayland Public School, I had a lot of amazing teachers. A combination of all of my teachers’ influences helped me to decide to become a teacher.

Q: When and how did you decide that you wanted to become a teacher?

A: I knew that I wanted to when I was in elementary school because I had a wonderful first grade teacher, named Ms. Miller.

Q: Did you have other dreams besides being a teacher?

A: When I was in high school, for a short period of time, I wanted to be a marine biologist because I was really interested in ocean animals and life in the sea.

Q: What are some of your goals you want to accomplish as a teacher?

A: As a teacher, I hope that I can help students achieve their own personal and academic goals.

Q: What college did you go to and how many years were you at college?

A: I went to the university of Maine for 4 years. I recently was accepted into a masters program at lesley University!

Q: What do you like to do during your free time?

A: During my free time I like to swim and teach swim lessons. I also like to go for runs.
Thank you for interviewing me! Have a great weekend. Β Β – Ms. Snow

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