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LAMBORGHINI: How it’s incredible car technology is revolutionizing our generation. By Luca Ferreira


A Day in the Life of a Billionaire

It’s a typical day for world-famous designer Ralph Lauren. He just got back from a car show in Germany. He pulls into his driveway… in a Lamborghini Gallardo. Lauren is one of the few people in the world who is able to afford such a beautiful, yet astoundingly reliable, sports car.

Automobili Lamborghini has been making incredible sports cars since 1964. Who is the mastermind behind these world-famous automobiles? The one and only Ferruccio Lamborghini, Italian car designer and CEO of Lamborghini. It was his amazing mind, with the help of all of his co-workers that helped start a car industry that has the most powerful, most beautiful and most reliable sports cars the world has ever seen. Lamborghini spends more than £450 million on car manufacturing and technology each year and haven’t made any money at all for the past two years due to so much money spent on production and new car technology. The company belongs to the Volkswagen Group ever since 1998 and was sold to them by Mycom Setdco and V’Power Corporation.

Classy Cars

Lamborghini is known for making beautiful, powerful, luxurious supercars. Looking to buy one? Here are some of Lamborghini’s leading car models along with a sneak peek at some new models:

Veneno: With one look at this truly amazing supercar, you will fall in love.

The Lamborghini Veneno is the most eye-catching, high-tech Lambo the company will probably ever make for the next 10 years. With a 770 horsepower V12 engine, streamlined body, intricate interior, polished  chrome plating & pricey materials, it is one of the most unstoppable sports cars in the world.


This impressive Lambo also has a very powerful engine with a 6.5 liter, 60º V12 engine. Although most Lamborghinis are made to be flashy sports cars, the Aventador is more of a racing model rather than a “show car”.

Huracan: This model is designed to “replace” the Gallardo, Lamborghini’s best-selling model of all time. The Huracan  is a combination of technology, style and performance of the very highest order. It comes out sometime in 2014.

What’s Inside?

$4 million dollars? For a car?! Once you find out how much effort and work it takes to craft a Lamborghini Veneno you’ll realize that paying so much money for a car was totally worth it. Each and every part of a Lambo’s interior and exterior is put together by hand and uses some of the most expensive and most advanced car technology today. They also use some pricey engines such as the V10 and V12 engines. Also speed is important for a luxury sports car. Did you know that all Lamborghinis can travel up to 200 mph? The Veneno, being the fastest Lamborghini ever created, can travel over 220 mph at top speed!

Are They Worth the Money?

Even though Lamborghinis are truly amazing supercars, they are very expensive. They range from $150,000 to $4 million, the most expensive being the Veneno. But are they really worth all the money? Lamborghini expert Michael Russo says “I agree that some are very pricey, but everything else almost makes the price seem cheap because of all the care put into them”. So, still thinking about buying one? If you are, carry this message with you: each and every Lamborghini has the same amount of love and care put into them.


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