By Brooke McFarlene Wayland Middle School always has a play in the fall and a musical in the spring. This year the fall play is, “The Great Race.” Which is about the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. Dr.Chang said that she and Ms.Lopez did all the research over the summer. They have been writing the script […]
Field Hockey Report
By Sadie Estrada Nabrey Francis On Tuesday, October 5, 2022, Wayland Middle School was going against Concord Middle School on a cold, rainy day. Both teams prepared to play on the soggy grass. Who will win: Wayland or Concord? Before continuing the rest of the article here are some basic facts about field hockey. There […]
Mr. Farley is the New Cross Country Coach
By Will Collett Mr. Farley is an eighth grade math teacher. The Wayland Middle School Athletic Department offered Mr. Farley the cross country coaching job, and he accepted it. Mr. Farley and Ms. Sands started the cross country program in 1998. He coached the team for 18 years and then took a few years off […]
Welcome to WMS, Ms. Harvey!
By Brendan McGonegal Ms. Harvey joined WMS as a teacher in the English department this year. I did an interview with her to welcome her to the school, and I want to share her answers! How long have you been teaching? I have been teaching for about seven or eight years. I worked here right […]
6th Grade Survey
By Isaac Hanna 6th graders are the newest faces in the hallways. We surveyed them this past month and 135 6th grade students responded. Each questions relate to their first two months of middle school. The first question asked on this survey was the main difference between middle school and elementary school. 70% of people […]
I Am From
By Ariana Price I am from a petite town filled with luscious forests and friends who reside closeby. A town called Wayland. I am from the school bell’s calm hum that immediately starts chaos, and the “click” sound of students typing thoughtful poems in English. I am from bikes around my neighborhood listening to other […]
Girls Should Be Able to Wear What They Want to School
By Sakeena Ma I believe that girls should be able to wear what they want without being shamed into thinking there is something wrong with their bodies. I remember a time when a girl in my science class wore denim shorts to school. The dress code of this school stated that shorts had to be […]
Keeping an Open Mind is the Best Way to Become More Knowledge
By Wyeth Heilman I believe that keeping an open mind is the best way to become more knowledgeable. As Frank Zappa once said, “A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it isn’t open,” and just like a closed parachute, a closed mind can lead to an incomplete life. Keeping an open mind […]
Ecosia: The Search Engine that Plants Trees
By Charlie Nicholson Often, you (or at least me) will be sitting down trying to find out what we can do for the planet. There are many ways to save the planet (some easy and hard), and although the list is quite long, I would like to share one simple way, we, as a community, […]
Vandalism At The Scout House
By Katie Collett You may have heard about the vandalism at the Wayland Scout house near the Wayland Town Beach, but I am going to tell you more details about the situation and how it affected the students here. Three teenagers broke into the scout house and vandalized it. They smashed through the door with […]