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The Orange Triangle Chapter 1: The Darkness by Stephen Creavin

I see darkness.

Pitch black.


No space or anything around me.

Just nothing.

Then I taste leather tied tightly around my mouth. Heat swarms around me and I feel if I’m burning. But still, I still see empty darkness, empty darkness with no life, nothing living.

I have a suddenly have a feeling that washes over my body, neither hot or cold or in between. It’s impossible to describe the feeling, it was sort of like, realisation but missing understanding. Like something that you didn’t know where it fit but you knew it was part of something. That’s how I realized I had my eyes closed. I tried to force my eyes open but they were like a powerful force fighting against me, pushing back at me. I suddenly felt very tired and darkness swirled around me, wrapping me in warmth. But I was not feeling warm, I was scared, of this darkness. Of this emptiness. As darkness swirled I seemed to drift farther and farther from understanding. Before understanding slipped from my hands I asked one question to no one in particular, the words “Where am I?”.

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