I let these words, the first taste of rebellion sink in, like a foot stuck in quicksand. I’d just found an amazing artifact, a diary, written by a girl named Marideth Merriman, a girl in the turmoil of the American Revolution of the 1770s! I’d learned about the American Revolution in school, and I’d always […]
People Opposed to GMOs Know the Least About Science by Isabelle Rideout Back in January, a peer-reviewed study published in Nature, an extremely high profile scientific journal, proclaimed that people opposed to GMOs know the least about science – but think they know the most. While this is nearly a month old, I thought […]
The plane was in a 45 degree nosedive as I wrestled with the yoke to control the plane. I could hear passengers screaming with fear. How am I going to slow down this plane? My arms burned as I reached forward, and pulled the lever to deploy the speed brakes to 100%. My whole body […]