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What Should You Write About? By Anonymous Bob

What Should You Write About?


Here I am writing this article. If your like me, you spend most of your time brainstorming a topic rather than writing about it. I know I just spent a lot of time coming up with this topic. Anyways, here I am, sitting at this computer and staring into space. Asking myself the same question repeatedly: What should I write about?


What should I write about?


Well, you can’t write anything without being inspired or having a passion. Well, you can but it’s not a good story. So let’s make this question simpler.

What am I inspired by?


What are you inspired by? Who are you inspired by? How can you be inspired?


I can’t answer that last question, but I can help.


How can you be inspired?


  1. G E T  O U T S I D E


The first thing I suggest you do is get outside. Just take a picnic blanket and sit under a shady tree in the hot sun. Listen to the different sounds. Smell the different smells and look at the nature around you. Don’t just look, but observe. Actually process it through your mind, notice the details, the cracks, the curves. Observe every little thing, and eventually there will be something to write about.


  1.  F I N D  Y O U R H A P P Y  P L A C E


Do what you enjoy the most. If you can. If you can’t because for example your happy place is a beach and it’s snowing outside go to a quiet place and get comfortable. Close your eyes and imagine the sights, the smells, what you hear and what you feel. And then, write about it. You know the most about your happy place.


  1.  Y O U R  D R E A M S


Your dreams are a place where your thoughts and feelings make their own stories. So use it to your advantage! It’s a free gift. Your dreams create a story for you that no one else has ever read. Write about it!


That’s all I can help you with! Just find your inspiration.

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