Cabin in the Woods By Henry David Thoreau Appetizer Wild rice seasoned with salt and herbs Honey Glazed Radishes Main Cod served with wild rice and tubers Asparagus with garlic and pepper Dessert Fresh Fruit I’m in 6th grade, so I’m studying Henry David Thoreau (David Henry Thoreau) and for the wrap up project I […]
I walked down the pitch black road. The only light was that of the moon that made it into the narrow street. I looked up at the tall buildings to my left and right. There red light of the security cameras followed me as I walked briskly. The camera eyed me suspiciously. Just keep walking […]
2 Replies to “Zero, Volume 3 by Brendan McGonegal”
How do i make something like this?
I am pretty sure that he does it on Google Canvas, but I am not sure